† Good Friday
Voices of the Wroxham Benefice bring you a Good Friday Meditation spoken readings and poems with voices from our churches (70 mins)
The Cathedral Chapter will say prayers in their own homes at 3pm. The short liturgy to use in your home is here.
† Holy Saturday
The Archbishop of Canterbury will pray the Exsultet and offer a reflection www.facebook.com/archbishopofcanterbury
Norwich Cathedral: The Vice-Dean, Revd Canon Dr Peter Doll reads the Easter Homily of St John Chrysostom. A video will be here
† Easter Day
8.10am BBC R4 Easter Day message from The Archbishop of Canterbury and an intimate communion service from his own kitchen at Lambeth Palace. Listen here
Available now: Podcast for Easter Hope: the final Sunday reflection from the Diocese of Norwich. A Message from the Bishop of Lynn (17 mins)
The Dean of Norwich will celebrate a Eucharist at home and deliver a short Easter message. A video will appear here
At 3pm, BBC R3 shows Festal Choral Evensong recorded at Norwich Cathedral in 2017. Listen here